Thursday, April 23, 2009

How To Get Bonded Ontario

technology to create an artistic marquetry.

technology to create an artistic marquetry.

paintings consist of several thousand small in size (from millimeters to several centimeters) of pieces of veneer.
All pieces of wood are selected by the tone, texture and texture so that more realistically reflect the element pattern in which they reside.

special finish, and includes elements of aging, give the impression of a bud that would be a picture performed on the canvas.
And while this modern works of art, an element of aging gives the paintings a unique style, elegance, who possess art of the past.

This technique of marquetry excludes any use of machinery - it is 100% handmade, unlike the craft marquetry, where it is possible to use mechanical tools and laser technology.

time required to create the picture - at least one year.

We must also note the fact that every tree has its own unique pattern and color, so do two almost identical pictures impossible.
On this basis, we can safely say that each painting is unique, it is practically impossible to forge.
Image in the picture, you can say, is protected by nature itself.
It is 100% exclusive works of art.

All colors of wood, from which the painting is made, natural, occur from physico-chemical parameters of a tree and the degree of physical-chemical effect on him.
When making paintings do not use any dyes or paints, or natural or artificial origin.
only acceptable degree of influence on the tree, just like in nature - fire and water, ie apply techniques roasting and moraines.

want to draw attention to one of the most interesting and surprising properties of the paintings - depending on the the angle that you look at the picture, a panel opens in new ways, like a hologram.
This picture is not stale.

All paintings framed with carved frames handmade, thereby presenting a holistic, ie the finished work of art.



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