Album: Untitled Album |
Be 'Good evening, everyone.
are pretty tired today because I had me a deluge of exercises in English for the school, which in two weeks or so go back under the knife ... Christ, what a drag. Okay, well that's not much to say, even as it is required to go there because there are many ways to sneak away (unfortunately). At most I could break a leg, but you know that washing balls with chalk! Hmm ... Break my arm? Nah, do not talk, then I'd look like an idiot and half disabled ... I understand, September 13 or whatever it is I'll be there in the pit trying to Firstborn that fucking class - but what a nice idea to change the classroom every year, right? -.- '
Small news: I managed to change the layout of the Journal. And 'certainly more decent, but I do not like Ads top ç_ç. For the rest is not bad, although I miss the sidebar ... Okay, the tears with Paturnie, but do you want? I'm burst from the heat here in Milan, and the PC switched on the legs does not help me much. Pazienzaaa.
Another nice thing to say is that next week I do a day in Venice with a friend, that's cool. ** We hope that the prices of trains permit, though.
keeps pounding on his head the idea of writing a fanfiction that is based on my life as a couple of years ago, when I was - ah, what memories! - The tantrums at the slightest thing and I did not do nothing but tear anyone asked me why I held the long face in such a beautiful sunny day, do not you think? hate. It could also be an idea, for heaven's sake, but then I'm afraid of ending up in the classic stuff ... bimbominkiosa I'll see.
I know that has nothing to do shit, but I have to ask about IWAL when will the Street Team Lombardia. I look Oraa
** I am pleased that my mother is standing in the door with her hands on her hips and off my underwear ... I see, ex.
What Where's My Car! Today is my compleannooo: D
I am 15 years old, finally! This means: AT LEAST THREE!
Regalandia Received:
i. The ticket for the concert by Lady Gi December 4, my God, thank goodness that has come ... It has a long story: I had to book several days on the web ago from a site that was not TicketOne there because they had finished ... Moral: it cost me the beauty of more than a hundred euro!
ii. The Cidda Remix of Lady Gi - but that is not cool Poker Face live at Cherrytree House? E ' absurdly good that woman! ♥
iii. A fifty euro from my **
iv, of Ecliptica Sonata Arctica from amber, thanks DONNAh ♥
v. And then I have to buy the Cidda of the Adam, who can not live without ... ( Mitchel Adam Lambert RULEZ ! )
Tonight I'll go with my eating at Chinese ... Aww. * W * I'm going
Bye, folks!